What is the Best Saw for a DIYer?


If you are a homeowner keen on DIY, you will no doubt have a variety of tools such as screwdrivers, pliers, hammer, and maybe a cordless drill. One tool that can come in very handy however is a saw. But with so many different saws available, it can be tricky to know which one is the best for jobs at home. For many jobs a handsaw is sufficient, but there may be times when a power saw is the better option.

Which Saw Should You Use?

When it comes to DIY jobs that require cutting, you will usually need to use a saw. There are two main categories of saw: manual saws that are operated with exertion from the user and power saws, which use a motor to get the job done.

Most people believe that power saws are the best choice because they ensure a cleaner cut with minimum effort. However, they are much more expensive than handsaws, and many individuals regard them as more dangerous. The problem with handsaws though is that they are simply not suitable for many types of cutting. Furthermore, advances in power saws have made these safer (provided they are used as advised in the manufacturer’s guidelines).

It is worth remembering that any type of cutting tool carries a risk of harm if used inappropriately. It is important to always stay safe when using either a power saw or a handsaw.

Choosing a Saw

Unfortunately, there is no single saw suitable for all types of jobs. The saw you use will be determined by the material being cut and whether you are cutting with or against the grain. This is according to the experts at Devour Tools, makers of diamond saw blades for a variety of cutting tools.

For the most part, you will be cutting with the grain as cutting against it usually calls for specialist equipment. Cutting against the grain, particularly with a saw that is not designed to cut in this way, can damage the wood.

Your choice of saw will also depend on the job you are doing. For example, a reciprocating saw is typically used in demolition work when a hammer and crowbar are not up to the job. This might be necessary for major renovation work in a home, such as the removal of door and window frames or when it is necessary to cut through plasterboard.

A circular saw is probably the most versatile power saw on the market and can be used for a variety of projects, such as removing old flooring, trimming the bottoms of doors, and slicing logs for firewood.

Choosing the Right Blade

Many power saws come with replaceable blades. The circular saw is fitted with a round blade that is designed to cut specific materials in a certain way. Some blades are segmented, meaning they have gaps between segments on the outer edge. They are ideally suited to dry cutting because the gaps in the blade help to keep it cool. Continuous rim blades do not have any gaps along the edge of the blade and tend to be used for wet cutting.

The type of material to be cut will determine the blade that is used. If you want to cut hard materials such as masonry or steel, you will usually need a diamond blade. This is a regular steel blade that has been bonded with a mix of crushed diamonds and powdered metal.

When it comes to buying a saw for your home, you may want to have a handsaw for small jobs and something more powerful, like a circular saw, for cutting through tougher materials.

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