What different do architects in India do? Their services and processes.


So Mr. Shankaran had been planning his dream home and was considering many opinions around it. Among those many opinions, this related to architect and house-plan had he heard the most. But what actually was it? He wondered! He asked about it to many, but never got an answer to ease off his frowns. Thus, says Radvi, architects in India need a brief introduction. So if next time you search for the best architects near me for house plans, you are aware of what you are into.

Who are architects and what do they do?

We all do dream of an image of our home. We think about the rooms in it, what colors would those walls be having, the flooring, the size of the bedroom, garden area, and whatnot. But the image remains faint and we remain unsure about what would it actually look like. An architect is like an artist who gives shape to this very dream. In India, almost every person feels like one is an architect. However, when we look at the designs of an amateur and a professional, our doubts go away. A professional architect in India gets registered under COA (or Council of Architecture), India. Thus, if you ever search for So Mr. Shankaran had been planning his dream home and was considering many opinions around it. Among those many opinions, this related to architect and house-plan had he heard the most. But what actually was it? He wondered! He asked about it to many, but never got an answer to ease off his frowns. Thus, says Radvi, architects in India need a brief introduction. So if next time you search for the best architects near me for house plans, make sure to check this certificate.

But Shankaran still has so many doubts about an architect. He says that a certificate is all fine, but what all does he do!?

What works does an architect perform?

According to Radvi, architects in India simply take over everything related to design and the legal requirements around the design. There is a process through which an architect works:

Schematic Design:

This is the first stage that an architect usually follows. Here the architect tries to align the thoughts of his/her own and those of the client. Trying to know the needs, communicating the necessities, legalities, thinking of the possibilities, and then rendering a rough design comes in this. The main idea is to give a rough structure of that dream to the client for approval. Once the client approves, the architect moves onto the second stage.

Design Development:

Now the rough idea has been approved by the client. It now comes to giving it details — sort of like giving flesh to the skeleton — to make it seem closer to reality. The details related to air conditioning, electrical systems, windows, doors, etc.

If a company also provides interior designing services, then it would become a part of this process too. This requires the final approval of the client to move to the next process. Do ask your company if they charge any further for revisions after this stage.

Construction Documents:

The architect now draws out a detailed set of instructions for the project to get realized. It will include a set of instructions for various other contractors. This is also the stage where the design goes for an approval by the legal authorities.

Construction Administration:

Now the design gets involved in the construction process. Simple revisions keep on taking place as time goes by. Various authorities keep in a loop and decide what needs to be done according to the challenges before.

Does one architect perform all the tasks?

The answer does vary. Considering the level of complexities, big architectural companies employ different people for different levels of skills. There could be a person taking care of technical aspects like electrical or those related to physics, another taking care of the design, some other working upon interior designing, and so on.

Know that charges could vary according to the services you opt for. If you have plans to take interior designing services, the charges would be further. Thus, when you search for the Best architects near me for house plans, remember to ask them about their further services. It is usually good to keep it all under one roof for the sake of simplicity.

Are architects in India any different?

There is a factor called ‘familiarity with the locality’. When it comes to homegrown architects, they remain very familiar with those specific demographic needs. According to Radvi, architects in India offer the pleasure of empathy. People of one country know their people more than any other. A foreign architect might provide you some novel features with added costs, but you might easily miss the comfort of getting understood. It is like a trade-off between the two.

Apart from it, a local architect also remains familiar with the local climate and all those legal requirements. When it comes to foreign architects, they also lay communicational challenges before the client. It might get too troublesome for a client to stay in direct contact with one. There also comes a time gap between query and response.

There is no question that Indian architects have some of the most creative minds in them. It takes off the issue of getting out-of-the-box thinking for your dream home. While planning for a local client, they take in different local aspects, the needs, the limits, and then creatively carve out a design for the client. A foreign designer might simply fail at it. It is like going to a foreign person to design some traditional attire for you.

Should you go for a foreign house-plan designer?

The answer is simple. If you want to try something very new for yourself and think that a foreign element might bring you that novelty, then go for one. Know that the costs might get too high considering the quality, the import duty, and higher fees. Additionally, it might also cost you your convenience and that soothing feel of familiarity. Indian architects are now giving tough competition globally and are also considered among the bests

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