Roof water proofing: guide to preventing and treating leaks!


Having a nice house is good. But, a house with leaking roofs involves all kinds of risks: water infiltration, mold, cracks, collapses etc. This is the reason why your roof should be both waterproof and airtight in order to avoid mold and the like.

The roof is certainly not the base of the house but it remains an essential part of it. Its role is to guarantee the good health of the structure of your home. A super waterproof roof is therefore essential to guarantee you better protection that does not let rain water through. This is why the repair of tiles, cleaning, defoaming and repairing the insulation of the roof must take on their importance.


There are many causes related to sealing problems. But we will discuss them according to the frequency of the problem to better inform you. It is in fact a question of:

Water infiltration: what is it?

Water infiltration is a moisture problem that occurs in porous walls. The rain that falls on your home is absorbed by the exterior wall. As a result, moisture spreads inside the house, creating cracks and other collateral damage. You can provide an under-roof screen to limit some damage. It is important to have an under-roof screen. Why ?

Lack of an under-roof screen

The absence of an under-the roof screen can promote rapid infiltration of water into your home. The ceilings including the fragile elements of your house will deteriorate little by little. Also, your house will be constantly humid with the presence of water in certain places of the room. The absence of an under-roof screen damages the timber of the frame of your home.

What are the solutions for having a waterproof roof?

The solutions for waterproofing the roof of your home depend on the type of problem encountered. Since the roofs are generally not identical. For example, a tiled roof will have its special solution. The solutions will be variously appreciated depending on the problem .

Distribution of tiles

If you have a tiled roof, to improve the waterproofing , you will need to place the plates or a mixture of cellulose and bitumen at the bottom of the tiles. You can install under-roof screens to protect the house from air infiltration.

If your roof is made with porous materials: fiber cement, slate, terracotta, it is possible to put water-repellent products made from resin on the coating.

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