How to properly maintain your above ground pool


The importance of maintaining an above ground pool

Whether you have an above-ground pool or an in-ground pool, it is essential to apply the right water treatment. Above-ground swimming pools are generally equipped with a filtration system consisting of a pump and a filter which guarantees the quality of the water by retaining impurities. But filtration alone is not enough to keep water clean and healthy. For hygiene reasons, it is essential at the same time to chemically treat your swimming pool in order to eliminate bacteria, algae or other fungi potentially harmful to health. Uncleaned pool water is one of the leading causes of yeast infection or other swimming infections. On the other hand, regular maintenance ensures better durability for the freestanding or tubular swimming pool.

If the swimming pool is a source of pleasure in summer, it must be maintained all year round. To guarantee the purity of the water and the proper functioning of the pool, all pool owners must adopt the right actions.

Filter the water

It is essential to equip your basin with a water filter in order to remove impurities. It only takes a few days for the water to become cloudy and become unsuitable for swimming or for algae to settle. Above ground wooden or inflatable pools are often already equipped with a water purifier. You just need to install it following the instructions. There are three types of filtration: sand filtration, cartridge filtration and bag filter. The water is first sucked in by the skimmer, passes through the filter and then is discharged into the basin at the level of the discharge nozzles.

Clean every day in summer

In fine weather, when the swimming pool is used daily, it is important to maintain the water on a regular basis to limit the accumulation of dirt. A simple test tube allows free floating waste such as leaves. If you have a solid above-ground pool, you can also invest in a pool brush, so that you regularly scrub the bottom of the pool. A hydraulic or electric robot is also a solution. Be careful, never use an over pressure vacuum cleaner on a kit pool or inflatable pool: you risk damaging the walls. Also pass a brush on the walls of the basin. The water line is a sensitive area. For a complete cleaning, use a simple sponge, twice a month for an optimal result.

Treat the water

Removing waste from the surface is not enough. Chemical treatment is required to disinfect the pool. Also, the draining of your swimming pool must take place every three years. The swimming pool will be completely emptied and then refilled with new water and then treated.

Winterize the pool

If your above ground pool cannot be dismantled, opt for a winter cover to prevent the pool from getting dirty during the winter. During the wintering of the pool, remember to stop the filtration and no longer treat the water. Note that before installing the cover, it is important to clean the basin well and adjust the pH of the water between 7 and

Equipment to maintain your above-ground pool
For basic cleaning, the landing net is the essential pool accessory. But for an irreproachable maintenance, get all the swimming pool maintenance accessories . The pool kit consists of a vacuum cleaner, a thermometer and a sponge for the water line. The winter cover is also important to protect your tubular, self-supporting or inflatable pool.

What products should be used to treat the water in an

Chlorine is the most common pool care product. It eliminates algae as well as fungi or bacteria . However, it is essential to dose it well because chlorine can be irritating at too high a dose. It is generally recommended to use a maximum of 1 to 2 mg of chlorine per liter of water.

Active oxygen

It is an optimal solution for those who would like to avoid too aggressive cleaning products. It offers an environmentally friendly and non-irritating water treatment . It does not represent any danger for the skin. On the other hand, active oxygen is less effective than chlorine. To ensure its effectiveness, it is recommended to use it regularly, or to invest in an active oxygen injector.


More expensive than chlorine, bromine is not irritating and does not emit a strong odor. This cleaning product, used for jacuzzi or spa pools, eliminates bacteria and algae. Its disadvantage is that it diffuses quite slowly. It may then be useful to invest in a brominator to guarantee permanent disinfection of the basin.

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